It feels like I am dipping my toe into a pool of pure knowledge and truth

“My experience of the book Eighth Ray Magic – The Magic of the Goddess – The Magic of Co-Creation has started slowly but surely; it feels like I am dipping my toe into a pool of pure knowledge and truth and as I get used to the feel of this I want to experience that pool more and more.

My favourite part of the book so far is the practical aspect with the Eighth Ray rituals themselves provided in the book. I learn best by giving things a go. The guidelines for each Eighth Ray ritual are clear and allow for a simpler version that has encouraged me to perform them despite not having all the required elements yet. I have worked with the Eighth Ray Ritual of Dedication prior to using the book, the Eighth Ray Isis-Urania Ritual, the Eighth Ray Flower of Venus Ritual and the Eighth Ray Christos Anointing Ritual for Oneself (this I have found to be very special).

I worked with the Eighth Ray Flower Of Venus Ritual for a specific personal outcome and using together the Porta Alchémica® Isis-Urania Anointing oil, the Vulcan Planetary Elixir, the Aries Zodiacal Elixir, and the 10th Mansion of Life Elixir. I performed the ritual twice and have experienced a great shift in the area of my life to do with ‘work’. I am now feeling more empowered in this area and I am having opportunities to work and earn money come my way.

With the Eighth Ray Magic book I know I will more and more be able to work with the energetic nature of the universe that is also my world and as I immerse myself more deeply in what it offers I look forward to increasingly being able to help the greater world to ‘purpose good’.”

Maria Gerathy
Holistic Wellbeing Practitioner and Disability Support Worker, Australia