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House of the Bee Mystery School©

Choosing to work with First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® on a professional level is the best decision I have made

“I enrolled in the First Light® Ferns – Life Trauma course after completing the First Light® Flowers of Transformation course, as I felt it was important to add the fern essences as another way of supporting clients, friends and family.

I had no hesitations about doing it whatsoever. I thoroughly enjoyed the previous course and knew this would be equally as interesting.

I enjoyed learning about the different layers of the aura. I had no idea there were that many! Truly amazing and it made so much sense.

This course will be incredibly beneficial both on the personal and professional levels. Choosing to work with these essences on a professional level is the best decision I have made. The knowledge I have gained is going to benefit my clients greatly. The results I have experienced on a spiritual and holistic wellness level have been very tangible. I have discovered how relevant the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® fern essences are in helping to support the layers of my own aura, particularly the emotional and lower mental. Very eye opening. The only challenges I encountered while undertaking this course were making sure I set the time aside, while my children are home on summer holidays!

My experience in the First Light® Online School has been amazing. I have felt supported and understood by everyone. It is a wonderful community to be a part of. Everything is easily accessible and very easy to navigate. I am most excited about continuing my study! My intention is to complete all the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® courses well and then do the necessary work to become a certified First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® practitioner. I just want to say I have never felt more motivated, driven and encouraged to continue on this path. I know I have chosen the right direction for me, and I also know how important the need is for healing to come from nature.”

Marie Sikora
Flower Essence Practitioner, Australia

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Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber