Eighth Ray rituals are a divine message from the Goddess herself, calling you to reclaim, reunite, and reintegrate the magickal feminine into your life.
Eighth Ray Magick® is an invitation to dance the sacred dance of co-creation with the Goddess. To reconnect with your inner creatrix, your divine magickal self, and to tap into the limitless potential within you.
The spirit of the Eighth Ray Magick book first revealed itself to me through a precognitive vision.
I saw a living tree of knowledge, its roots anchored deep in the ancient soil of nature-based magickal wisdom.
Every chapter was shown as a vital branch, and every page as a living leaf.
The canopy of this magnificent tree reached towards the celestial realms, touching the power of the planets, signs, and astrological houses.
The trunk formed a magickal pathway leading into the profound world of Eighth Ray Magick® – the realm of the new Goddess magick, the magick of co-creation.
This book is not just a collection of teachings; it is a magickal instructional manual – a handbook of celestial wisdom, alchemy, magick, and ritual.
Within its pages, you will learn the art of working with the power of the planets, signs, the astrological houses and the elements, unlocking their energies to enhance your spiritual journey.
I invite you to explore its pages, to embark on your own magickal journey with the Goddess, and to discover the incredible world of Eighth Ray Magick® for yourself.
Author of Eighth Ray Magick book and Creator of Eighth Ray rituals.
I am having opportunities to earn money come my way
“My favourite part of the Eighth Ray Magic book is the practical aspect with the Eighth Ray rituals. I performed one of the rituals twice and have experienced a great shift in the area of my life to do with ‘work’. I am now feeling more empowered in this area and I am having opportunities to work and earn money come my way."
Maria Gerathy
Holistic Wellbeing Practitioner and Disability Support Worker, Australia
I now know how I can make a difference
“The book Eighth Ray Magic book is my bible. I am filled with gratitude, appreciation and the deepest reverence for Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber for creating this taonga (treasure). The daily Eighth Ray rituals described in the book lift me beyond the mundane. Eighth Ray Magic is a panacea for the toils and troubles of the world around us and I have learned how to fully participate and make a difference.”
Chris Griffiths
Registered Nurse,
New Zealand
The fate of our family has started to move greatly
When I read the brochure and got an overview of Eighth Ray Magic book, I felt my soul’s mission. I really wanted to meet Franchelle and I travelled from Japan to participate in the workshops Franchelle presented in Auckland, New Zealand with my family from Japan. I was very happy because I got to see the Eighth Ray ritual close up. After returning to Japan, the fate of our family began to move greatly."
Mayumi Nasu
Spiritual Healer,
It is so powerful
“I have been doing the Eighth Ray rituals as described in the Eighth Ray Magic book pretty much every day. The other day after travelling and getting back into my routine with the daily Eighth Ray rituals here in Germany I had this strong sense that I am in line and attuned with the celestial forces I am working with in the Eighth Ray rituals. It was so powerful. Amazing. Thank you so much for offering this wonderful gift to the world, Franchelle.
Malana Taresi
I have found solutions to daily challenges
“I would like to share and celebrate the awesomeness of the book Eighth Ray Magic by Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber. I have found solutions to daily stress, pain, heart ache and challenges which can be changed to the greatest moments in my life by empowering my strength, courage and willpower. I use the Eighth Ray Magic book to start my day with the intention of working with the power of the universe.
Peggy Rangi
Retired, New Zealand
Empowered me to make my dreams come true
My favourite ritual in the Eighth Ray Magic book is the Eighth Ray Ritual of the Five-Fold Fire©. While travelling, throughout all my moves and in being in other people’s houses and spaces with very different matrixes, this ritual has enabled me to have my elemental nature equilibrated and balanced. It has brought joy, relief and divinity into my life. This book has very literally empowered me to make my dreams come true."
Rose Claiden
Therapist, Australia
Unlock the celestial power of the universe with Porta Alchémica® range of astromagick formulations – planetary elixirs, zodiacal anointing oils, elemental incenses and much more. Handcrafted by Franchelle to align your inner and outer worlds with the energies of the cosmos and empower you to embody your highest potential and manifest with celestial precision.
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