Celestial Oracle
What's on the Cards This Month?
On the Celestial Compendium cards this month is the planet Saturn (self-mastery and success) in the zodiacal sign Taurus (perseverance) in the 9th Mansion of Life reversed (finding the meaning in life lessons).
True Success in Life
This month Saturn on the cards delivers ample opportunities for you to take your understanding of what true self-mastery and true success actually means to a whole new level.
Saturn showing up on the cards this month gives a clear cosmic signal that you have valuable lessons to learn. The obstacles and challenges that you will encounter this month can be the golden stepping stones to true success in life.
From an esoteric perspective, true success means the soul is achieving the objectives it has set for itself for this lifetime before it came into physical incarnation.
While in traditional astrology the planet Saturn is associated with restrictions, blocks, resistance, and the limitations we encounter in the material world, from an esoteric point of view Saturn is the great taskmaster.
Saturn is often referred to as the Lord of Karma. Each person creates their own karma, good or bad. A person who has achieved complete self-mastery creates NO karma. This is the skill of a highly evolved spiritual adept.
The Key to Self-Mastery
This month Taurus lends its persevering and patient energy to help you push through any resistance you may be coming against within yourself that is keeping you stuck.
In the physical realm, this might manifest as tasks you have been avoiding, like finally finishing your taxes or completing a lingering project. Whatever it is now is the time to draw on Taurus’ steady persevering energy to get these things finished so you can move forward.
By doing so you are exercising self-discipline which is an essential skill and character trait for reaching higher levels of self-mastery. Self-discipline can liberate you from being trapped in the push and pull and the whirlwind of the physical world to become a master of your own consciousness and your life.
The Search for Meaning
The 9th mansion of life is the area of life associated with life lessons and the search for meaning.
This month, Taurus in the 9th house reversed extends an invitation to reflect on and discover the deeper significance of your experiences, to find what has true value and meaning.
If you encounter resistance in your mind or body as you do this, summon your soul power to help you push through the resistance so you can find the treasure that awaits you on the other side.
Embrace each lesson, challenge or experience as a gift of pure gold for your soul. Find the meaning, learn the lessons and know that from the perspective of soul, everything in your life is a fantastic opportunity for furthering your growth and developing higher levels of self-mastery.
This Month's Magickal Integration and Action
Reflective Practices for the Inner Work of Transformation
Here are some reflective practices to support you on your spiritual journey:
- Write down three things that you have been putting off or resisting that you really need to do then:
- Make a plan to put time aside each week to attend to one of these things
- Stick to the plan. If you notice any resistance coming up, sit with it and remind yourself of your commitment to finish the task.
- Do this until you have completed each of the three things on your list and revel in this newfound level of self-mastery.
3. Ritual is a powerful practice that you can easily incorporate into your day and that will help you on your journey to achieve greater levels self-mastery and soul growth. Ritual can be as simple as lighting a candle first thing each morning while saying a prayer, burning your favourite incense, or reciting a magickal affirmation or a special mantra. You can anoint your candle with an anointing oil of your choice. If you want to have specific magickal focus for your ritual, then Eighth Ray Magick® rituals are perfect for that – see below the recommended ritual for this month.
This Month’s
Magickal Affirmation*
For Self-Mastery
You can use the following magickal affirmation to support you this month:
Saturn, Taurus and
9th Mansion of Life
I call upon your power
I call upon your magickal light.
On my soul’s journey of
With self-discipline I move forward.
Learning life’s lessons is my soul’s true gold.
Eighth Ray Magick
Manifestation Ritual©
THIS MONTH'S Magickal Intention
Click the button below to access easy-to-follow Eighth Ray Magick Manifestation Ritual© instructions. You can undertake this magickal ritual any time during this month, or any time you wish to work with this magickal intention in your life.
Do You Want to Do Your Own Oracle Readings?
The Celestial Compendium
Oracle Card Deck
The Celestial Compendium card deck and booklet bring the vast body of celestial wisdom, magick and knowledge into your hands. A practical revelatory tool for divination, daily guidance, oracle readings, alchemical insight, rituals, spellcasting and magickal instruction.
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Have a magickal month!
Love and Magick
About the Author
Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber
For over 50 years my teachings have inspired and empowered thousands of clients and students around the world to heal themselves and help others. As a master shamaness, spiritual teacher and matriarch of magic my life is dedicated to supporting souls like you who are serious about their personal, professional and spiritual growth.
On my blog, in my books and training programs and courses I share ancient wisdom teachings on shamanism, healing and magick to enable you to step into the magick and mystery of your soul and spirit.
If you have heard the call to discover the magick within and effect positive powerful transformation in your own world, the world and in the greater universe, then I look forward to travelling this journey with you.
Living Magickally©
Want to Dive Deeper?
You can undertake the Medicine Woman Rite of the 12 Celestial Regents© program with 12 sacred rites of passage of the ritual magician to awaken the innate divine powers within you.
These spiritually uplifting rites enhance your capacity to solve the great mystery through penetrating the secrets of the great book of nature with its ‘12 Magical Seals of Revelation’. It is these magical seals that give access to the powers and expression of your true magical self.