Anger Antidote – Porta Alchémica® Astromagick Ritual Spell

We don’t need to look far these days to see people behaving with volatility and aggression towards each other, often with people they don’t even know and will likely never physically meet.  Social media and news feeds are rife with reactivity and people expressing outrage at someone else’s opinion. With insults flying back and forth it can all get very ugly, very quickly!  

This kind of reactive behaviour is a manifestation and outworking of what is occultly referred to as the ‘poison of spirit’ of anger. The ‘poison of spirit’ of anger manifests as aggression, bluntness, competitiveness, irritation, quick temper, rashness, reactiveness, cruelty, restlessness and impatience.

The ‘Poisons of Spirit’

There are twelve ‘poisons of spirit’ that express through our shadow behaviours. Shadow behaviours are problematic and are either unconsciously acted out or projected onto others. They block the power of light from expressing through us.

The ‘poisons of spirit’ bring unwanted reactions, projections, patterns and disappointments to our lives.  Their unconscious mode of operation means that they influence the patterns, tone and the direction that our life takes. When they operate unconsciously we can live in a state of complete unawareness of their destructive impact on our daily life.

We can neutralise or transmute the ‘poisons of spirit’ and their associated shadow behaviours using the twelve alchemical processes that act as their antidote. 

The Astromagick Advantage - Antidote the Poison of Anger To Express Goodwill

Antidoting the ‘poison of spirit’ of anger helps to eliminate volatile, excitable, and reactionary functioning of the emotions and mind. This then enables us to move beyond unsavoury alienating behaviours and to focus on expressing goodwill whenever anger arises. 

To free ourselves from the ‘poison of spirit’ of anger and its associated shadow behaviours, we need to work with the Eighth Ray Antidoting the Poison of Spirit Chalice Ritual© and the corresponding alchemical formulations that act as an antidote.

Why Is 'Antidoting The Poison of Spirit of Anger' Astromagick Ritual?

The ‘Antidoting the Poison of Spirit of Anger’ Astromsgick  Ritual is a very powerful ritual that works synergistically with the alchemical process to antidote the ‘poisons of spirit’ and transmute their associated shadow behaviours so that we can more easily express our true self in the world. This astromagick ritual works at a very deep and personal level, enabling us to more easily access and transform the hidden and unconscious aspects of ourselves that have an undermining or destructive effect on our life.

When you are performing the Antidoting the Poison of Spirit Astromagick Ritual for yourself, you are simultaneously sending the healing light out into the world. You create the means for the light to shine upon the shadow behaviours that express in the human collective and poison the world.

The Ritual Purpose of the Eighth Ray Antidoting the Poisons of Spirit Chalice Ritual©:

  • Antidote the poison of spirit and transmute its related shadow behaviours
  • Negate the spiritual crime against self, relationship and humanity perpetuated by the poison of spirit and its related shadow behaviours
  • Enhance the constructive use of the spiritual gifts
  • Use the spiritual gift to spiritually and evolutionarily benefit yourself and the collective
  • Heal the deep rift with oneself
  • Undertake the work of transforming oneself from the natural human, Homo sapiens into the divine human, Homo deus

You can learn all about the twelve ‘poisons of spirit’ and their antidotes in my book Eighth Ray Magic: The Magic of the Goddess – The Magic of Co-Creation.

Astromagick is the ancient art of blending astrological wisdom with the transformative power of ritual to create profound personal transformation. 

Astromagick works with the language of the stars – the language your soul knows, understands and loves. 

Astromagick puts you into the driver’s seat in your life, enabling you to choose what, how and where you want to create changes in your life and work dynamically with cosmic powers to create the change. 

Porta Alchémica® astromagick formulations are the practical, accessible and most magickally potent means for you to access and work with the powers of creation. 

Porta Alchémica® astromagick formulations quite literally put the powers of creation into your hands so you can be create manifestations and transformations you desire in your life. 

Created by award-winning vibrational medicine specialist, Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber, each Porta Alchémica® astromagick formulation is an alchemical gateway carefully attuned to the energy of planets, zodiac signs and the elements. 

For This Astromagick Ritual You Need:

Sacred Tools and Astromagick Correspondences

  1. An Altar Space: A clean, sacred area dedicated to ritual work.
  2. A Chalice or Ritual Glass (to hold water for elixirs).
  3. A Heatproof Dish, Charcoal Tablet and Lighter for burning incense.
  4. Astromsagick frequencies specifically designed to antidote the poison of spirit of anger:
  5. Opening, cleansing and preparing the ritual space: Porta Alchémica® Holy water 
  6. Closing ritual space and locking in magickal intent: Porta Alchémica® Aura Mist
  1. A candle: a white or beeswax candle can be used as an all-purpose ritual candle. 
  2. Magickal Timing: New Moon, Full Moon, Moon Aries or Libra, Sun in Aries or Libra 

'Antidote the Poison of Anger'
Astromagick Ritual
5 Easy Steps

Your magickal intention is:

“To antidote the poison of spirit of anger to express goodwill.”

Before you begin

  • Light the charcoal tablet in a heatproof dish before you begin, ensuring it is glowing by the time you place incense on it.
  • Place your chalice of water on the altar.
  • Light the candle

Step 1: Holy Water (prepare and open magickal space)

To cleanse, prepare and open your space for magickal work, sprinkle Holy Water into four corners around yourself. You can place the water into a small dish and simply dip your finger into the Holy Water in the dish and flick your fingers to sprinkle.

Say as you do so:

“I cleanse and sanctify with Holy Water.”

Step 2: Incense (adjust your consciousness to your magickal intention)

Burn the Porta Alchémica® Mars planetary incense on a charcoal tablet in a heatproof dish. 

Sprinkle incense on the glowing charcoal.

Say as you do so:

“I bridge the worlds with this sacred suffumigation of Mars.

Step 3: Anointing Oils (attune your consciousness to your magickal intention)

Place 3 drops of each the Porta Alchémica® Mars and Libra anointing oils in a triangle pattern on your inner wrists.

Using your index finger touch the anointing oil on your left wrist and anoint your third eye between the eyebrows with the figure of the lemniscate, which is a figure eight on its side. Then rub your wrists together in a figure eight motion and inhale the fragrance deeply 3 times.

Antidoting Poison of antidote Anger Astromagick Ritual3

Say as you do so:

“I attune to the magical frequency of Mars and Aries.

Step 4: Elixirs (align your consciousness to your magickal intention)

Place 3 drops of each the Porta Alchémica® Mars, Aires elixirs in a ritual chalice or glass of water.

Slowly drink the potentised water.

Then say:

“To enable me to antidote the poison of spirit that is expressing as anger I will be more good-humoured, genial and extend goodwill towards others.”

Step 5: Breath and Aura Mist (lock your magickal intention in)

Blow the air in front of you and say;

“I blow it through my world,”

(Then blow your first spirit breath)

“I blow it through the world,”

(Then blow your second spirit breath)

“I blow it through the greater universe,”

(Then blow your third spirit breath)

“I blow it through the worlds”

(Then blow your fourth spirit breath)

Spray Porta Alchémica® Aura Mist three times above your head in a triangle shape:

  1. above the top of your head
  2. above the right shoulder
  3. above the left shoulder.

Say as you do so:

Ita Est! (It is so)

Your Astromagick Ritual is complete.

Commonly Asked Questions about This Ritual:

Porta Alchémica® astromagick formulations are purpose made astromagick products that are perfectly attuned to the required celestial frequencies necessary for this ritual to be magickally potent and effective.

You can conduct this ritual when you need it. Or you can work with it as a daily spiritual practice for the purposes of transmuting the origin of anger within yourself and turning the lead of anger into the gold of goodwill. Conduct daily until your desired outcome is achieved.

Yes you can. Instructions for how to conduct astromagick rituals for others are provided in my Eighth Ray Magick book.

In L.V.X.

Light in Extension 

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About the Author

Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber


For over 50 years my teachings have inspired and empowered thousands of clients and students around the world to heal themselves and help others. As a master shamaness, spiritual teacher and matriarch of magic my life is dedicated to supporting souls like you who are serious about their personal, professional and spiritual growth.

On my blog, in my books and training programs and courses I share ancient wisdom teachings on shamanism, healing and magick to enable you to step into the magick and mystery of your soul and spirit.

If you have heard the call to discover the magick within and effect positive powerful transformation in your own world, the world and in the greater universe, then I look forward to travelling this journey with you.

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