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House of the Bee Mystery School©

Live Magickally


Manifestation Ritual To Breathe Life and Soul into Family Relationships

SPELL: To Attract Love and Harmonious Relationships

Bring Your Biggest Dreams into Reality ~ Celestial Oracle #436 – April 2024

Manifestation Ritual Bring Your Biggest Dreams into Reality

Create a Magickal Shield of Protection Around You – Eighth Ray Shield of the Elements Anointing Ritual

Call Forth Your Soul’s True Path and Life Purpose ~ Eighth Ray Magick Manifestation Ritual©

Expand Your Horizons to Discover Your Soul’s True Purpose ~ Celestial Oracle #435 – March 2024

Healing Identity Wounds & Patterns of Self-Undoing – Eighth Ray Spiritual Activism Ritual

Put Energy into New Skills to Increase Prosperity ~ Celestial Oracle #434– February 2024

Find Your Special Role in the World ~ Celestial Oracle #433 – January 2024

Chiron’s Arrow of Abundance Ritual Spell – Ritual Spellcasting

Follow Your Soul’s Promptings ~ Celestial Oracle #432 – December 2023

Healing the Misuse or Abuse of Power in Family Dynamics – Eighth Ray Spiritual Activism Ritual

Time to Look Within to Radiate Your Light Outwards ~ Celestial Oracle #431 – November 2023

Spiritual Transformation Ritual for the Purification of Air and to Assist the Element of Air

Sending Out a Spiritual Call to Humanity to Release Patterns of Conflict – Eighth Ray Spiritual Activism Ritual

It’s Time To Step Up – Get Your Soul Involved ~ Celestial Oracle #430 – October 2023

Releasing Fear of Taking Initiative and Stepping Out into the World – Eighth Ray Chalice Ritual: Aries

Pisces: Keywords, Colours and Crystals – Zodiacal Correspondences

Aquarius: Keywords, Colours and Crystals – Zodiacal Correspondences

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Big welcome to Jacky Foss from Rangiora and Gill Williamson from Auckland who have enrolled into my Crossroads Protocol® - The Art of Soul-Centred Decision Making LIVE online training.

I look forward to seeing you at the training on zoom, Jacky and Gill.

🌟 If you want to add a life-changing tool into your healing or coaching toolbox to assist yourself and your clients to make soul-centred decisions, click the link to learn more about Crossroads Protocol®:
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Big welcome to Jacky Foss from Rangiora and Gill Williamson from Auckland who have enrolled into my Crossroads Protocol® - The Art of Soul-Centred Decision Making LIVE online training. 

I look forward to seeing you at the training on zoom, Jacky and Gill.

🌟 If you want to add a life-changing tool into your healing or coaching toolbox to assist yourself and your clients to make soul-centred decisions, click the link to learn more about Crossroads Protocol®: attachment

Big welcome to Hilary Carlile from Omokoroa and Erihapeti McPherson from Golden Bay, Sumi Asano from Whitianga and Leanne Harper Lambert from Rotorua who have enrolled into my Shamanic Death, Rebirth and Transformation - Entering the Cosmic Cauldron of Shamanic Transformation residential healing workshop.

I look forward to seeing you at this live residential workshop at Tauhara Retreat Centre, Taupo, New Zealand, Hilary, Erihapeti, Sumi and Leanne.

🌟 If you want to have a deeply life-changing healing experience, click the link to learn more:
*Dates: 18-20th October 2024. Spaces are very limited and filling up fast.
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Big welcome to Hilary Carlile from Omokoroa and Erihapeti McPherson from Golden Bay, Sumi Asano from Whitianga and Leanne Harper Lambert from Rotorua who have enrolled into my Shamanic Death, Rebirth and Transformation - Entering the Cosmic Cauldron of Shamanic Transformation residential healing workshop. 

I look forward to seeing you at this live residential workshop at Tauhara Retreat Centre, Taupo, New Zealand, Hilary, Erihapeti, Sumi and Leanne. 

🌟 If you want to have a deeply life-changing healing experience, click the link to learn more:
*Dates: 18-20th October 2024. Spaces are very limited and filling up fast.Image attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

As the energy builds and the momentum gathers for my upcoming Shamanic Death, Rebirth and Transformation - Entering the Cosmic Cauldron Live Residential Healing Workshop at Tauhara Retreat Centre in Taupo I want to share a few photos from the many special gatherings and workshops that I have held there over the years.

So many magickal and lasting memories have been forged in the hearts and minds of those who have attended these very special in-person events with me and my husband Tony. Each one a unique and divinely directed event that has had a very specific and important focus and objective.

The upcoming full immersion experiential healing workshop on the 18, 19 and 20 October 2024 is significant in so many ways as it heralds a whole new era and cycle of activity by the House of the Bee Mystery School©.

This is not a training workshop for learning skills and techniques as a practitioner for you to use with your clients. It is for you to create deep changes in your own life.

Over the two and a half days as a particpant in this workshop you will deep-dive into the cosmic cauldron where you will discover the creation mysteries of Black Goddess Shamanism that reolve around birth, life, death and rebirth. 🐦‍🔥
I very much look forward to seeing you there!
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As the energy builds and the momentum gathers for my upcoming Shamanic Death, Rebirth and Transformation - Entering the Cosmic Cauldron Live Residential Healing Workshop at Tauhara Retreat Centre in Taupo I want to share a few photos from the many special gatherings and workshops that I have held there over the years.

So many magickal and lasting memories have been forged in the hearts and minds of those who have attended these very special in-person events with me and my husband Tony. Each one a unique and divinely directed event that has had a very specific and important focus and objective.

The upcoming full immersion experiential healing workshop on the 18, 19 and 20 October 2024 is significant in so many ways as it heralds a whole new era and cycle of activity by the House of the Bee Mystery School©. 

This is not a training workshop for learning skills and techniques as a practitioner for you to use with your clients. It is for you to create deep changes in your own life. 

Over the two and a half days as a particpant in this workshop you will deep-dive into the cosmic cauldron where you will discover the creation mysteries of Black Goddess Shamanism that reolve around birth, life, death and rebirth. 🐦‍🔥
I very much look forward to seeing you there!Image attachmentImage attachment+4Image attachment

🔮Celestial Oracle for September2024 is out now - Transform Your Shadow for Personal and Collective Evolution 💫

The three Celestial Compendium Cards I have drawn for you this month are the planet Pluto (what – transformation, purification and rebirth) 🔥in the zodiacal sign Scorpio reversed (how – magickally and alchemically) 🪄in 11th mansion of life (where – the collective consciousness). 🌏

This month is the perfect time to dive deep into your psyche (soul) to undertake deep soul healing work. ❤️‍🩹

The influence of Pluto and Scorpio in the 11th Mansion of Life is a clear reminder that the transformation you undertake in your own consciousness contributes to the transformation and awakening of the collective human consciousness. 🦋🌈

I invite you to read the full oracle over on my Eighth Ray Magick® blog by following this link:

Have a magickal month everyone! 🪄💃

In L.V.X.
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🔮Celestial Oracle for September2024 is out now - Transform Your Shadow for Personal and Collective Evolution 💫

The three Celestial Compendium Cards I have drawn for you this month are the planet Pluto (what – transformation, purification and rebirth) 🔥in the zodiacal sign Scorpio reversed (how – magickally and alchemically) 🪄in 11th mansion of life (where – the collective consciousness). 🌏

This month is the perfect time to dive deep into your psyche (soul) to undertake deep soul healing work. ❤️‍🩹

The  influence of Pluto and Scorpio in the 11th Mansion of Life is a clear reminder that the transformation you undertake in your own consciousness contributes to the  transformation and awakening of the collective human consciousness. 🦋🌈

I invite you to read the full oracle over on my Eighth Ray Magick® blog by following this link:

Have a magickal month everyone! 🪄💃

In L.V.X. 

OVER 80% OF SPACES ALREADY SOLD - Have you secured yours? 👀
Spaces have been filling very quickly for my upcoming Shamanic Death, Rebirth and Transformation - Entering the Cosmic Cauldron of Shamanic Transformation Residential Healing Workshop at Tauhara Retreat Centre, on 18, 19 and 20 October 2024. 🔥

From the moment I announced that I would be holding this live once only in person healing workshop less than 2 weeks ago, the emails, messages and bookings have been flooding in. 🌟

What this indicates to me is that the timing is absolutely perfect as always for people to experience the deepest of the Black Goddess Shamanism incubation mysteries that this workshop provides.

I know with every cell and fibre of my being that this very special workshop that divinity has instructed me to deliver on the Full Moon in Aries ♈ will absolutely transform your life. 🦋 Will you join me?

In L.V.X.
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OVER 80% OF SPACES ALREADY SOLD - Have you secured yours? 👀
Spaces have been filling very quickly for my upcoming Shamanic Death, Rebirth and Transformation - Entering the Cosmic Cauldron of Shamanic Transformation Residential Healing Workshop at Tauhara Retreat Centre, on 18, 19 and 20 October 2024. 🔥

From the moment I announced that I would be holding this live once only in person healing workshop less than 2 weeks ago, the emails, messages and bookings have been flooding in.  🌟

What this indicates to me is that the timing is absolutely perfect as always for people to experience the deepest of the Black Goddess Shamanism incubation mysteries that this workshop provides.

I know with every cell and fibre of my being that this very special workshop that divinity has instructed me to deliver on the Full Moon in Aries ♈ will absolutely transform your life. 🦋 Will you join me? 

In L.V.X. 
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Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber