It adds another element to my healing practice

“I was motivated to embark on the Certificate pathway to consolidate my learning about First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® and to become a qualified practitioner. I was motivated by wanting to create credibility as a practitioner so my clients can have confidence in me having completed the training required to dispense the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® blends to support their holistic healing and wellbeing.

Prior to undertaking this Certificate training I was not fully standing in my own power and being my true authentic self. This training has helped me to have the unwavering confidence to follow my soul and what it has been calling me to do.

Achieving the Certificate in New Zealand Native Flower Essence Therapy allows me to turn a passion and interest into a job that I love and that I get paid for where I can work online, creating flexibility and freedom so I can have work-life balance, be the available mother I want to be for my family, and have time for myself to cultivate daily self-care and happiness.

The knowledge I have gained is going to benefit my clients hugely. I have always seen patterns in people and could see the underlying issues behind specific health concerns or problems in people’s lives but haven’t had a practical tool in my toolbox that could be of real assistance and bring about lasting change.

Now I have the knowledge of each of the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® No’s 1-84 and I can match the relevant essences to the specific patterns I see to catalyse great change and positive transformation for my clients.

I now feel more grounded in general and more connected to myself. I also feel that I have a deeper understanding of people and the energetic underlying causes of imbalance.

My belief in the importance of relationship in life and wellbeing has been strengthened and supported.

I am really excited about using the knowledge I have acquired to help others and being a qualified First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® practitioner where I get to work with and dispense First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® everyday as part of my work. I am also excited for myself and my family who get to benefit from these amazing plant allies.”

Brooke Kerekere
Registered Naturopath and Medical Herbalist, Qualified First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Practitioner