Send Healing Light to the Waterways of the Earth – Eighth Ray Spiritual Activism Ritual

Magickal Ritual for The Wellbeing of the Waterways of the Earth

Waterways are the life blood of our planet, the place of our origin; they are the conduits of life and magick.  

The Purpose of This Ritual

For Protection and Wellbeing of the Earth's Waters

On a practical level the waterways sustain all life on earth, from our clean drinking water to water to grow our food, to sustaining huge and diverse ecosystems that regulate the climate of the earth.

The waterways offer solace and spiritual sustenance, nurturing our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

The flowing bodies of the earth’s waterways symbolise simplicity and perfection, they remind us of the fluidity of our own existence.

The synthesis of land and water, the interconnectedness of these two essential elements form part of the perfection of the cosmos, a mirror for the need for simplicity in our lives and relationships. 

Working to protect the waterways is a spiritual duty, an act of reverence as a universal citizen to celebrate, honour and uphold the power and vibrational magick of the element of water and maintain balance on the earth.

By working through Eighth Ray Spiritual Activism Ritual© to preserve these sacred channels we honour the perfection of the interrelatedness of all beings. By sending healing light to the waterways of the world for their protection and wellbeing we work for the greater good of all beings. 

What Is Eighth Ray Spiritual Activism Ritual?

A Magickal Invitation to Co-Create a Positive Change in the World

The Eighth Ray Spiritual Activism Ritual© is a universal spiritual practice that both seeds in new energies and sends out a powerful magical invitation to the collective and to the world to co-create positive change and to bring new forms into being. 

Divine Feminine, the Will-to-Good and the Power of Compassion

The Eighth Ray Spiritual Activism Ritual© is an invitation to co-create a new improved matrix for life and living. It is a powerful universal service-based ritual that works with the forces of change and has a form-changing and matrix changing focus and basis for the purpose of bringing improved ways of living and being into manifestation.
It is a ritual synthesis of the power of the divine feminine aligning with the ‘will to good’. It is the power of intelligent co-creation operating in accord with the forces at work in the universe along with the power of compassion.

Positive Magickal Change on a Global Scale

The Eighth Ray Spiritual Activism Ritual© can be used to affect and impact positive magickal change on a global scale. 

This powerful ritual is carried out with a specific magical focus. You can choose your own magical focus and carry out your own Eighth Ray Spiritual Activism Ritual© based on what feels important to you and where you sense the greatest need in the world. Based on your chosen magical focus, you will need to adjust the selection of alchemical formulations.

For the Eighth Ray Spiritual Activism Ritual© that sends magical healing light to the waters across the world, we are going to be working with the power of the planet Neptune, the zodiacal sign of Virgo and the 4th mansion of life

The essential steps necessary to carry out this ritual are outlined below. You can find the full eight-step Eighth Ray Spiritual Activism Ritual© on page 288 in my book Eighth Ray Magic: The Magic of the Goddess – The Magic of Co-Creation.

Ritual Steps

Six-Step Eighth Ray Spiritual Activism Ritual©

ritual prayer of magickal intent
Your Magickal Focus:

'To Send Healing Light to the Waterways of the World'

Before you Begin:

Put on your altar the Porta Alchémica® alchemical formulations that correlate with your magical objective:

You will also need:

  • Small dish to contain the anointing oils
  • Incense burner and charcoal
  • Specially dedicated chalice or goblet
  • Matches or lighter
  • White or beeswax central candle
  • Crystal wand (optional)

Put a small amount of pure water in your chalice. Make sure the charcoal tablet is glowing and ready in the incense burner before you add the incense. Place three drops of each anointing oil into the small dish.

Step 1:
Burn the ritual incense

Put a pinch of ritual incense on the glowing charcoal. When the incense is smoking say:

“I bridge the worlds with this sacred suffumigation of Neptune”

Step 2:
Light the ritual candle 🕯

Light the central candle. Your intent is also to project light into the world powerfully, intelligently and purposefully and to be one with the energies of co-creation to ‘purpose good’. The four statements that you make as you light the ritual candle create an arrow of light that forms a pathway for the projection of light. The projection of light expresses as a manifestation of divine will, divine mind and divine love to create a magical outcome that is a manifestation of the restorative power of the co-creative feminine.


“Light victorious, light triumphant, light eternal, light in extension!”

Step 3:
Anoint Yourself

Anoint yourself with planetary and zodiacal anointing oils.

Put three drops of each anointing oil into a small dish. Use your index finger and dip it into the anointing oil in the dish and anoint the mark of the lunar crescent on the centre of your forehead.

Say as you do so:

“The mark of moon magick”

Then place three drops of each of the anointing oils directly from the bottles in a triangle pattern on your inner left wrist. Then bring your inner wrists together with your wrists in a cross symbol in front of your body. Rub your wrists together and then inhale the fragrance deeply three times.

Step 4:
InGest Alchemical Elixirs ⚗️

Ingest the Planetary, Zodiacal and Mansion of Life elixirs as a ritual libation.

You now place three drops of the elixirs you are working with in a triangular pattern in the water in the chalice. Start at the apex of the triangle with one drop of elixir then at each other point of the triangle in the indicated order. Start with the planetary elixir, then the zodiacal elixir and finally add the mansion of life elixir. There will be nine drops of alchemical elixir in total added to the chalice.

As you add the three drops of each elixir in a successive triangular pattern into the water in your chalice, see in your mind how you are magickally creating and extending a bridge of light to magickally draw down the celestial forces and energies through the worlds to work magick, the Moon magick of re-formation. You are doing this through the power of magickal invocation using your ‘ritual prayer of magical intent’. The objective being to magically co-create with the ‘magick of the Moon’ whose ‘mark’ you have anointed yourself with.

As you are placing the drops of each planetary, zodiacal and mansion of life elixir in the chalice you are also inspirationally creating your lunar ‘ritual prayer of magical intent’. This is an integrated three-part invocation and is a very important part of the Eighth Ray Spiritual Activism Ritual© process. It is the applied power of magickal invocation used as a dynamic magickally co-creative act. The ‘ritual prayer of magickal intent’ is an invocative magickal statement or commentary of magickal intent and purpose created based on the planet, zodiacal sign and mansion of life working with.

Neptune Planetary elixir

As you put the drops of Planetary elixir in the chalice say:

“I call upon the power, intelligence and purposeful action of the planet Neptune, the planet of connection, unity, and the water element

Virgo Zodiacal elixir

As you put the drops of Zodiacal elixir in the chalice say:

“to express powerfully, intelligently and purposefully through the zodiacal sign of Virgo, the zodiacal sign of synthesis, perfection and healing.”

4th Mansion of Life elixir

As you put the drops of the Mansion of Life elixir in the chalice say:

“and focus your energies powerfully, intelligently and purposefully in the 4th mansion of life, the mansion of life of environment, origins, caretaking, our home.

When you have created and spoken the invocative ‘ritual prayer of magickal intent’ you then place your hands in a triangular shape, thumb to thumb, index finger to index finger over the top of the chalice. Blow through the triangle onto the water and say:

“The breath of life quickens the waters of re-formation”

Then slowly drink the potentised water that has now alchemically transformed to become the re-forming ‘magickal lunar waters of life’. Say decisively and powerfully:

“With the assistance of my celestial allies I create a bridge of light, Isis-Urania Queen of Magick, I call forth your form giving magickal power to co-create the world anew”

Pause, then say:

“Behold the heavens. Behold the earth. Behold the child!” 

Step 5:
Send the energy out 🪄✨

Send the energy out and magically open the eighth ray magic portal on the selected frequency. To the alchemist, who is the eighth ray ritual magician, the breath, as well as being the essence of life itself is magically understood to be the ‘spirit breath’ and is one of the key animating and vivifying principles in alchemy. If you have the Eighth Ray Isis-Urania crystal wand, pick it up in readiness to send the energy out and magically open the eighth ray magic portal. Hold the Isis-Urania crystal wand with both hands in front of you, eight fingers to the front of the crystal wand and your two thumbs at the back. If you do not have the Eighth Ray Isis-Urania crystal wand, just proceed with the breath sequence. Take three slow deep breaths to alchemically and magically weave the energies that you have ingested in the Eighth Ray Spiritual Activism Ritual libation into a unified light power and to open the eighth ray magic portal. Each time you breathe out after taking an in breath, blow the breath out before you like a wind by exhaling strongly through slightly pursed lips. If you have an Isis-Urania crystal wand then blow your intent four times into the crystal ball at the top of your Isis-Urania crystal wand and say:

“I blow it through my world 


I blow it through the world


I blow it through the greater universe


I blow it through the worlds”


Step 6: (optional)
Lock in the magickal frequency

Lock in the magical frequency and seal the aura.

Spray the Porta Alchémica® Alchemist Aura Mist three times in the shape of a triangle: above the head, then above the right and then left shoulder to lock in your intent and seal the aura to hermetically contain the energies and powers you wish to express or make manifest.

Then say decisively and forcefully,

“Consummatum est! It is done!”

Your Eighth Ray Spiritual Activism Ritual© is now complete.

This Eighth Ray Spiritual Activism Ritual© is very powerful and can be conducted daily and as often as you feel called to magically send healing light to the waterways of the earth.

Summary of Everything You Need for This Ritual

An altar and altar items:
Alchemical formulations required to carry out the ritual:
  • Neptune planetary elixir
  • Neptune planetary anointing oil
  • Virgo zodiacal elixir
  • Virgo zodiacal anointing oil
  • 4th house mansion of life elixir
  • Neptune planetary incense
You may also select from any of the magical correspondences to synergistically complement your magickal intent:

Get access to the keyword reference tables for all 12 zodiacal signs, 12 planets, 12 mansions of life and much, much more in my FRЕЕ Live Magickally© The Little Book of Esoteric Astrology Quick Reference Guide – the ABC of Astrology for the Soul.

Upcoming Rituals

Never Miss a Magikal Beat

Visit my Live Magickally® Moon Calendar for upcoming rituals. 

Love and Magick 

About the Author

Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber

For over 50 years my teachings have inspired and empowered thousands of clients and students around the world to heal themselves and help others. As a master soul healer, spiritual teacher and matriarch of magic my life is dedicated to supporting souls like you who are serious about their personal, professional and spiritual growth.

On my blog, in my books and training programs and courses I share wisdom teachings to enable you to step into the magic and mystery of infinite possibilities and your limitless potential.

If you have heard the call to discover the magic within and effect positive powerful transformation in your own world, the world and in the greater universe, then I look forward to connecting with you.



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Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber