How to use:
- Use to anoint yourself by placing three drops of the Porta Alchémica® elemental anointing oil/s in a triangle on both of your inner wrists, rub the inner wrists together and inhale the fragrance deeply three times. Use as often as you wish.
- Dress your candles – dip your right index finger into your chosen elemental anointing oil/s and draw the symbols of the corresponding element on the candle.
- For maximum magickal potency conduct an Astromagick ritual: ‘Balancing Your Elemental Nature’ Astromagick Anointing Ritual.
- 1 x 5ml Porta Alchémica® Earth Elemental Anointing Oil
- 1 x 5ml Porta Alchémica® Water Elemental Anointing Oil
- 1 x 5ml Porta Alchémica® Air Elemental Anointing Oil
- 1 x 5ml Porta Alchémica® Fire Elemental Anointing Oil
- 1 x 5ml Porta Alchémica® Quintessence Anointing Oil