Author: Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber
Format: Audio MP3
Length: 18 min
- You seek to heal deep emotional wounds or heartache
- You wish to reconnect with your heart
- You are a healer or spiritual seeker wishing to restore your emotional wellbeing
- Listen when you are experiencing emotional pain or heartache
- Listen when you feel disconnected from your heart
- Listen whenever you wish to restore your heart’s natural harmony and power
Listen to this audio daily for 28 days, or whenever you wish to o heal and retrieve a piece of your heart that has been lost, or given away.
Listen on any device. Do not listen while driving.
Your download link will be sent to you on your order confirmation email. You will also find the link on your account page under 'My Downloadable Products'
You can enhance this HypnoSoul© Self-Hypnosis Shamanic Journey experience by taking 3 drops of First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® No 112 Broken Heart Tree - Initiations of Heart on the tongue, or in a glass of water, before you begin your journey. Continue taking this flower essence daily, 3 drops 3 times a day, until the bottle is finished, or take it each time before listening to the No 112 Healing the Heart – Shamanic Journey Audio.
No 112 Broken Heart Tree - Initiations of the Heart is the 16th sacred rite of passage of the shaman of the House of the Bee Mystery School©.
The shaman undertakes this rites of passage to:
- develop superhuman abilities
- live the diamond life
- create the diamond heart – the heart of a warrior of peace
- remain love-full and in divine heart at all times
- reclaim the lost parts of heart at will
Learn more: Medicine Woman Certificate in Shamanic Studies©