First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand®

Eighth Ray Magic The Magic of the Goddess – The Magic of Co-Creation Book

By Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber


Printed book

The definitive teachings on Eighth Ray Magick, the new Goddess magick, by the mother of Eighth Ray Ritual Magick and matriarch of astromagick, Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber. This 512-page book reveals for the first time the secret alchemical operation on antidoting the ‘poisons of spirit’ and provides the information necessary to unlock the secrets of the universe. It guides you through the power and practice of astromagick, showing you how to work with tides of celestial power, and harness the power of Eighth Ray Ritual to create a dynamic magickal life. Discover how to alchemically transform your holistic organism to live a more empowered life.


This book is a complete guide for the 21st century alchemist, magician and ritualist.

  • Discover the ‘poisons of spirit’ – that are the 12 imbalanced primal forces that poison our life and ultimately our spirit and the world. In this book you will discover their antidotes.
  • Learn about celestial guidance – that enables you to develop the ability to be more aware of and see universal patterns at work in your life and in the world around you.
  • How to use celestial affirmations that work to change the patterns held in the cellular consciousness. The celestial affirmations are a powerful tool to dynamically transform your self-talk, your inner dialogue enabling you to affirm and create your life experiences with every word and thought.
  • Learn the ancient art of astrotherapy – star healing – and the means to create, sustain and maintain equilibrium within the holistic organism through working with the influence and intelligence of stars and planets. Astrotherapy works on the principle that the holistic human organism is both influenced by, and modelled on, the celestial universe. How to use astromancy as the means to create a dialogue with the Divine through the process of divination by means of the stars and plants. Astromancy is the art of ascertaining the occult influence of the stars and planets on people and human affairs.
  • Learn about the Goddess Isis-Urania, the form the Goddess takes in the Aquarian Age and how to work with her magic in step-by-step easy and powerful rituals for living a magically empowered life.
  • The keys for the restoration of the Divine Feminine and reconnecting with the Goddess.