The 5 Foundational Principles and Steps of Porta Alchémica® Astromagick

Set Your Magickal Intent
The Importance of Setting Clear Magickal Intent in Ritual
In magickal ritual, clear intent is the driving force that shapes and directs the energy of the magickal working. Just as an archer must fix their gaze upon a target before releasing an arrow, the practitioner must define their purpose before engaging in ritual magick.
Without a well-defined intent, energy disperses aimlessly, weakening the effectiveness of the astromagick ritual spell.

Why clarity of magickal intention matters:
🏹 Precision of Energy Direction – A vague or scattered intent leads to vague results. Magickal energy responds to clarity and a clearly defined magickal intent strengthens its outcome.
🏹 Alignment with the Cosmos – The clearer the intent, the better it aligns with planetary, elemental and spiritual forces, amplifying its potency.
🏹 Magickal Responsibility – A well-defined magickal intention ensures that the practitioner takes ownership of the magick they set into motion stepping into an active role of being a conscious creator of their own reality.
Examples of magickal intent (you can be as creative as you wish, these are just some examples):
🔥 To enhance my courage to take action and move forward
🌟 To tap into my creative powers to create the life I desire
💰 To create financial stability
❤️ To attract love and a romantic relationship
Activate Your Magickal Intent
Active with a Porta Alchémica® Ritual Spell

Create an altar:
Activate your magick intent/altar and conduct an astromagick ritual using Porta Alchémica® formulations that clearly signal your intent to the universe.
You must activate your intention and your altar is the natural focal point for this.
Activation of your intent/altar occurs through ritual. With this level of magickal engagement you are working with powerful magickal correspondences in the form of Porta Alchémica® astromagick formulations.
Why use Porta Alchémica® astromagick ritual spells and astromagick formulations:
Porta Alchémica® Astromagick Ritual Spells use Porta Alchémica® Astromagick Formulations, precision-crafted by master alchemist Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber, to align your intent with the currents of the cosmos and empower you to work magickally with unmatched precision and power.
By working with Porta Alchémica® Astromagick Formulations in your ritual and spell work, you are calling upon the highest cosmic forces, working with magick of the highest potency and purity to bring your intent into manifestation.
Whether invoking Mars for courage, the Moon for deep intuition, or Venus for love and attraction, Porta Alchémica® Astromagick acts as a magickal highway – bridging the realms of the seen and unseen, unlocking the sacred pathways to your desired outcomes.
Selecting Porta Alchémica® astromagick formulations and astromagick ritual spells for your magickal intent:
After you have decided on your magickal intent, select corresponding Porta Alchémica® Astromagick formulations.
For example:
🔥 To enhance my courage – use Porta Alchémica® Mars, Aries and 1st Mansion of Life astromagick formulations
🌟 To tap into my creative powers to create the life I desire – use Porta Alchémica® Isis-Urania astromagick formulations
💰 To create financial stability – use Porta Alchémica® Venus, Taurus and 2nd Mansion of Life astromagick formulations
❤️ To attract love and a romantic relationship – use Porta Alchémica® Venus, Libra and 7th Mansion of Life astromagick formulations
Or simply choose one of the Porta Alchémica® Astromagick Ritual Spell Recipes created by Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber that fits your magickal intent.
When you are ready, conduct your chosen Porta Alchémica® Astromagick Ritual.

Consolidate Your Magickal Intent
Journaling: A Powerful Practice to Consolidate and Anchor Your Magickal Ritual Work

The purpose of astromagick journalling:
After performing an Astromagick ritual, journaling becomes a sacred act of consolidation – a way to ground and reinforce the magickal intent you have set in motion.
The power of imagination is the bridge between the unseen and the seen, and by envisioning your intent as already unfolding in your life, you align yourself more deeply with its manifestation.
What to write in your astromagick journal?
✍️ Write about your ritual experience
✍️ Record any symbols or impressions that arose
✍️ Most importantly, use your imagination to imagine your magickal intent as already real and write what you see, hear, feel, smell and experience.
For example:
🔥 If you asked for courage, image yourself in a situation where you act courageously. Where are you? What are you doing? What does courage feel like in your body? Write it out.
💰 If you asked for financial stability, imagine yourself being in a stable financial situation. What does financial stability mean to you – see it, feel it, experience it now and write it down.
Creating a visual story:
Visual storytelling is empowering for the soul.
- You can add images to your journal or create your astromagick vision board.
- Draw, paint or cut out on it images and symbols that represent you living your magical intent.
Consciously Embody Your Magickal Intent
Mindfully Express Your Chosen Qualities in Your Daily Life

The purpose of astromagick journalling:
True magick does not end when the astromagick ritual is complete – it continues when you embody and weave into your life the qualities associated with your magickal intention.
Live it, breathe it and become it, consciously integrating the energy you have invoked.
🌬️ (Air) Think, speak and communicate in ways that affirm your intent
🔥 (Fire) Desire and energise your vision with passion and will
🌊 (Water) Feel as if your intent is already realised
🎯 (Earth) Act in alignment with the new qualities you have awakened and activated.
Fully Integrate Your Magickal Intent into Your Life
Become Your Magickal Intent
After you have practiced consciously embodying the qualities associated with your magickal intent, they will become your natural way of being.
Notice how easy it is to express the new qualities now where you used to have an old behaviour or pattern. Notice how you are being different.
In L.V.X.
Light in Extension

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Full Premium Porta Alchémica® Astromagick Kit
Enjoy the power and convenience of having a premium kit of Porta Alchémica® astromagick formulations right at your fingertips to conduct any astromagick rituals right when you need them.
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About the Author
Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber
For over 50 years my teachings have inspired and empowered thousands of clients and students around the world to heal themselves and help others. As a master shamaness, spiritual teacher and matriarch of magic my life is dedicated to supporting souls like you who are serious about their personal, professional and spiritual growth.
On my blog, in my books and training programs and courses I share ancient wisdom teachings on shamanism, healing and magick to enable you to step into the magick and mystery of your soul and spirit.
If you have heard the call to discover the magick within and effect positive powerful transformation in your own world, the world and in the greater universe, then I look forward to travelling this journey with you.