First Light College of New Zealand Native Flower Essence Therapy registered tutors are a team of qualified and experienced professionals who are passionate about empowering others on the journey of healing and personal growth.
Each tutor has trained with Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber, founder and creator of the First Light® College of New Zealand Native Flower Essence Therapy and First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand®. Each tutor has achieved the highest qualification with First Light® College of New Zealand Native Flower Essence Therapy – , and has the leading edge tools and knowledge to assist you on your journey of holistic wellbeing and acquiring powerful skills for assisting friends, family and clients.
In-class workshops offered by First Light College of New Zealand Native Flower Essence Therapy registered tutors are available in New Zealand and in other selected countries.
Franchelle is a multi-award winning vibrational medicine specialist, the creator of First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® and founder of the First Light® College of New Zealand Native Flower Essence Therapy. Franchelle has over 50 years of experience of working with clients and students from all over the world. From a young age Franchelle had the ability to communicate with the plant kingdom and identify the New Zealand native plants that could transform negative emotions and attitudes to help people release old patterns and create changes in their lives. A powerful and inspirational teacher, Franchelle provides each student with comprehensive in-depth original teachings on holistic healing and working with sacred plant medicine for holistic wellbeing taught exclusively through the First Light® College of New Zealand Native Flower Essence Therapy courses.
First Light® Flower Essence College of New Zealand Native Flower Essence Therapy courses with Franchelle are available online on demand.
Anna Gentry – Tutor
Dip. NZNFE First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Registered Practitioner and Tutor
BSc (NZ Ecology/Sports Science)
Dip. Sec Teaching
Anna has worked actively with the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® since hearing the call in 2009. She brings a world of wisdom to her workshops from her experiences as teacher, businesswoman, mother and healer. Living and working closely with nature, as well as taking others into nature to learn have themed throughout her life. Her focus to inspire and guide the learner in the sacred plant medicine of New Zealand comes naturally.
“It is a privilege to assist others to deepen their relationship with nature, teaching the First Light Flower Essences curriculum is the greatest honour.”
Contact: 027 7097 111 email: [email protected]
Irene Dekker – Tutor
Dip. NZNFE First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Registered Practitioner and Tutor
Irene enjoys sharing the nature wisdom of First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® with students and clients. Learning about the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® is a natural way to harmonise one’s own inner and outer nature and find the support to re-establish well-being for oneself. Irene is an educator at heart and is inspired to assist people in their learning journey.
Contact: 021 152 6481 or 09 437 0190 email: [email protected]
Steven Lydford – Tutor
Dip. NZNFET First Light® College of New Zealand Native Flower Essence Therapy Registered Tutor, First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Registered Practitioner
PG Dip Education
Steven has been working with First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® since 2007.
“They are an integral part of my life and it is a privilege to be able to pass on the incredible information within the sacred plant medicine of New Zealand”.
Steven has been a primary school teacher since 2002 and knows the value of quality instruction. He has a deep respect for New Zealand native flora and enjoys sharing their gifts with others.
Contact: 021 121 9514 email: [email protected] website:
Leanne Harper Lambert – Tutor
Dip. NZNFET First Light® College of New Zealand Native Flower Essence Therapy Registered Tutor, First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Registered Practitioner
Cert.HPEH Hypnotique Protocol® Esoteric Hypnotherapist
HypnoSuccess® Soul Coach
BMus (Sydney Conservatorium of Music)
Leanne has worked personally and professionally with First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® for over 12 years. A deep love of nature and strong interest in holistic wellbeing inspired her to undertake the training with the First Light® College of New Zealand Native Flower Essence Therapy, and integrate the wisdom of First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® into her life journey, as well as that of her family, friends and clients.
Between her music career and yoga class facilitating, Leanne has over 30 years teaching experience. Teaching gives form to her life’s focus to help others realise their fullest potential and express their true nature.
“Learning to view the world through the lens of the ancient wisdom held within the First Light® College of New Zealand Native Flower Essence Therapy is liberating, and applying that knowledge to your life is empowering. It is nothing but a privilege to be able to facilitate this training for humanity.”
Contact: 021 075 3486 email: [email protected]
Maria Gerathy – Tutor
Dip NZNFET First Light® College of New Zealand Native Flower Essence Therapy Registered Tutor, First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Registered Practitioner
Dip Transpersonal Coaching Nature Care College, Sydney
DIP. HPEH Hypnotique Protocol® Esoteric Hypnotherapist
HypnoSuccess® Soul Coach
Maria is passionate about holistic health and natural healing methods, Maria’s study in herbal medicine led to her discovering the vibrational modality of flower essences. For more than 25 years Maria has personally used and supported family and friends with flower essences and as a First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® registered practitioner worked with many clients both in New Zealand and Australia.
With a great curiosity and love of nature Maria brings her enthusiasm and love of the comprehensive range of First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® to workshops in Tauranga.
Contact: 026 650 4472 email: [email protected]
Patricia Stowell – Tutor
Dip NZNFET First Light® College of New Zealand Native Flower Essence Therapy Registered Tutor, First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Registered Practitioner
Dip Pod
Dip Reflexology
Cert. in Adult Teaching
“During my 10 plus years experience as a First Light® College of New Zealand Native Flower Essence Therapy Tutor I really have discovered the power of vibrational medicine in the form of First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® and I love teaching and sharing their holistic healing potential. It is an honour and a privilege to represent the First Light® College of New Zealand Native Flower Essence Therapy courses and to share the gifts held within the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand®.”
Contact: 027 4697 191 email: [email protected] Website:
Minako Hama – Tutor
Dip. NZNFET First Light® College of New Zealand Native Flower Essence Therapy Registered Tutor, First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Registered Practitioner
Cert. in Aromatherapy associates IFA training course(UK) Aromatherapy (IFA UK) Aromatherapy (AIAHS US); Reflexology (Bayly School of Reflexology UK)
Cert. in Indian Head Massage
Founder of Kauri Holistic Healing, in Japan. Minako started her practice as an aromatherapist and an aromatherapy teacher in Tokyo in 1995. She has acquired considerable knowledge and experience in her respective fields. She has been providing aromatherapy to patients in the Department of Psychiatry in a hospital in Tokyo for over fourteen years. Through her activity in the field of psychiatry, she started using astrology to acquire deeper insight into the client’s inherent psychological archetype.
She started providing astrological aromatherapy consultations in 2006 and trained many astrological aromatherapists in Kauri Holistic Healing.
In 2008, she connected with Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber and First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® and found her passion. She became the first First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® practitioner and First Light® College of New Zealand Native Flower Essence Therapy tutor in Japan.
Since then, she has been teaching the First Light® College of New Zealand Native Flower Essence Therapy courses to Japanese people and providing workshops to train certified First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® practitioners in Japan.
Contact: [email protected] website:
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